Истра (Московская область),
IT Project Manager, IT Manager
The business process was studied, the analysis of the work of departments (especially problematic ones) was carried out, the scheme of work and information exchange was built and debugged, a course of customer orientation was set.
The work of departments has become more efficient, clearer, faster, clearer (knowledge bases, organizational policy, interaction schemes and sequence of problem solving) The scaling of the company has been thought over, for the future.
Subordinates: heads of departments 8 people (strategic personnel of the company), 4 developers and main staff (~ 30 people). Decomposition of tasks into teams.
Reason for parting: financial difficulties of the company, after the "quarantine".
According to the planned course, the company will be able to move within a year without my participation.
The volume of the client base is 65,000 people.
As an IT project manager:
Analysis and description of requirements, setting tasks for the development team and coordination, agreeing on deadlines, works, final vision, control of execution, writing documentation, participating in testing and implementation, assistance in analyzing incidents.
Software has been developed that allows you to keep your finger on the pulse (visibility of displaying the status of the client's request, dashboards, signaling devices, changing the employee's work mode (switching to the telephone line with a large number of calls), writing documentation, filters of performance indicators of departments, a system for analyzing accidents and their anticipation, monitoring accidents, etc. reporting on events (the essence of the company's chat has been brought to a new level), an informative map of the network with a full passport of the object (from the port and veins, to the point of presence, a liaison on the spot, features of the cable and trunk laying), equipment depreciation control, the information content of the client base ( customer rating, from displaying the connection status and type of equipment, to automating the performance of standard operations), a system of transparency of work (notifications in the LC, software, sending SMS about the status of the application and the departure of a specialist, quality assessment), zoned notification of customers, revision of the Client's Personal Account ( displaying the composition of the service package, support), VIP subscribers can call through the queue (call routing, prioritization), availability of information on VIP clients.
As an IT project manager:
Implementation of the principles of ITIL and Agile, new products are proposed, irregularities in the existing "software essence" are identified, technical specifications have been drawn up for development / revision by programmers (website, LC, failure monitoring system, the ability to connect additional forces, dashboards, visibility of the main markers of the business process and indicators efficiency of the company). Analysis and description of requirements, control over the execution of tasks.
As an IT manager:
Description of business processes, work procedures, the planning system and their format (coordination of work, discussion of subtleties, work planning and their approval), working hours, employees were able to work remotely (their level of competence was increased, training, interchangeability, contact between them), work with vocabulary and culture of communication,
the number of missed calls has been reduced, a client meeting scheme has been developed, the number of missed calls has been reduced, the number of applications closed with a delay has been reduced, a call center has been developed (connected as needed and remotely), mobile assistants have been connected, a server room notification system, logistics of field engineers (and also analysis of their work, improving efficiency and efficiency, advanced training) and installation teams, redistributing the load (removing household tasks from qualified network engineers, improving the qualifications of ordinary support + an action plan in a critical situation and training maneuvers), the work schedule of employees, the base knowledge, emergency measures (from UPS to cascade and generators, geographical distribution, know-how in the server room (from the cable fixing system to the backup microclimate), the quality of staff work (floods in the room, heat, cold floor, drafts, lack of lighting, etc. ), emergency cargo pp (for nights and holidays), base of VIP clients.