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Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 25 сентября 1985

Не ищет работу

Барвиха (Московская область), готов к переезду (Другие регионы, Москва), готов к командировкам

Указан примерный район поиска работы

Head of IT Department \ System Administrator \ IT Manager \ VIP helpdesk

300 000  на руки

  • Аналитик
  • Руководитель проектов
  • Системный администратор
  • Специалист по информационной безопасности
  • Специалист технической поддержки

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 16 лет 7 месяцев

Март 2024по настоящее время
1 год 1 месяц

Москва, direct-credit.ru

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Руководитель отдела технической поддержки
- развитие инфраструктуры компании и бизнес-процессов + М-видео - Координация работы отдела; - Стратегическое и оперативное планирование деятельности отдела; - Обеспечение информационной безопасности; - Управление и участие в ИТ-проектах, связанных с развитием и масштабированием сервиса и продуктов; В подчинении 6 человек массив ~2 000< объектов и ~800< сотрудников офисов причина ухода: духота в офисе, большая текучка кадров.
Март 2023Май 2023
3 месяца

Нахабино (Московская область), nephrolife.ruhttps://nephromed.ru/

Медицина, фармацевтика, аптеки... Показать еще

Head of IT \ IT Manager \ System Administrator
* Briefly, if too lazy to read: I can do a lot and come in handy in a lot of things. The profession developed from a hobby. Project activity - Subordinated: 3 project managers and 4 system administrators (of which 2 are freelance: the head of the IT company and the system administrator) - During the period of work, about 200 tasks have been worked out, 80 long-term tasks have been solved. - Building business processes of the company (in departments from Moscow to Kamchatka), in the IT sector: putting things in order with contracts and areas of responsibility of contractors (banks, 1s, medical software, crypto keys) in IT matters, reducing unnecessary links in the chain. - Employees began to freely and independently resolve issues with software and contractors. - Implementation of basic InfoBez (Information Security) rules - Search for the most profitable contractors, transfer of corporate mail to another service (dumping prices for services by third parties - Krasnoyarsk IT and the cheapest mail hosting) - Development of blanks, knowledge base and instructions. - Household alignment of the logic of work, for reliability, prompt decision and stability of the company's business processes. - Change of suppliers of cartridges and repairers of equipment - to achieve effective performance. - Office moved * Management is delighted with patience and a subtle approach to complex tasks - "as if you open a safe" "as a psychologist" "you quickly deal with new systems and tasks." Good alignment of the logic and coordination of the work of the support and administration department (2 specialists are subordinate), a qualitative approach to employees - feedback from employees and management. Reason for leaving: The company lost a lot of tenders. Set sail for the summer. Completion of the stage of activity of the system administrator and IT manager. The company's transition to a new stage - the introduction of the MIS system (Medical Information System - moving away from paper medical records). Hiring "their own person" from Kemerovo for remote work, who participated in the development of MIS on the side of the state. Will start work in August.
Декабрь 2021Март 2023
1 год 4 месяца

Москва, www.avtodor-eng.ru/

Leading Specialist of the Information Technology Department of the Technical Support Department
- I by myself figured out the basic configuration of Cisco ASA - Servicing the VIP division of the company (on Pushkinskaya) - Solving problems that could not be solved for years: communication quality problems and provider jambs, unstable equipment operation (for example, in a videoconferencing organization). - Household assistance to employees and basic administration (account management and access control (Windows\Synology), using group policy rules). Development of a knowledge base and instructions, training of personnel so that they do not wait in the waiting line. - Reason for leaving: takeover by State Company
Декабрь 2020Август 2021
9 месяцев

Москва, jobs.danfoss.com/russia

Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще

IT project manager / IT support manager
GPC work Interaction with the company's specialists around the world, calculating the plan of the local network of the new building block of the company, drawing up technical specifications and standards for contractors and builders, choosing a UPS manufacturer for the Russian sector, assisting in holding press conferences, resolving administrative issues in the company's infrastructure, solving " long-playing "tasks (for which no one could or did not want to undertake), maintenance of regional offices - in complex tasks.
Март 2020Июнь 2020
4 месяца

Истра (Московская область), istranet.ru/

IT Project Manager, IT Manager
The business process was studied, the analysis of the work of departments (especially problematic ones) was carried out, the scheme of work and information exchange was built and debugged, a course of customer orientation was set. The work of departments has become more efficient, clearer, faster, clearer (knowledge bases, organizational policy, interaction schemes and sequence of problem solving) The scaling of the company has been thought over, for the future. Subordinates: heads of departments 8 people (strategic personnel of the company), 4 developers and main staff (~ 30 people). Decomposition of tasks into teams. Reason for parting: financial difficulties of the company, after the "quarantine". According to the planned course, the company will be able to move within a year without my participation. The volume of the client base is 65,000 people. Achievements: As an IT project manager: Analysis and description of requirements, setting tasks for the development team and coordination, agreeing on deadlines, works, final vision, control of execution, writing documentation, participating in testing and implementation, assistance in analyzing incidents. Software has been developed that allows you to keep your finger on the pulse (visibility of displaying the status of the client's request, dashboards, signaling devices, changing the employee's work mode (switching to the telephone line with a large number of calls), writing documentation, filters of performance indicators of departments, a system for analyzing accidents and their anticipation, monitoring accidents, etc. reporting on events (the essence of the company's chat has been brought to a new level), an informative map of the network with a full passport of the object (from the port and veins, to the point of presence, a liaison on the spot, features of the cable and trunk laying), equipment depreciation control, the information content of the client base ( customer rating, from displaying the connection status and type of equipment, to automating the performance of standard operations), a system of transparency of work (notifications in the LC, software, sending SMS about the status of the application and the departure of a specialist, quality assessment), zoned notification of customers, revision of the Client's Personal Account ( displaying the composition of the service package, support), VIP subscribers can call through the queue (call routing, prioritization), availability of information on VIP clients. As an IT project manager: Implementation of the principles of ITIL and Agile, new products are proposed, irregularities in the existing "software essence" are identified, technical specifications have been drawn up for development / revision by programmers (website, LC, failure monitoring system, the ability to connect additional forces, dashboards, visibility of the main markers of the business process and indicators efficiency of the company). Analysis and description of requirements, control over the execution of tasks. As an IT manager: Description of business processes, work procedures, the planning system and their format (coordination of work, discussion of subtleties, work planning and their approval), working hours, employees were able to work remotely (their level of competence was increased, training, interchangeability, contact between them), work with vocabulary and culture of communication, the number of missed calls has been reduced, a client meeting scheme has been developed, the number of missed calls has been reduced, the number of applications closed with a delay has been reduced, a call center has been developed (connected as needed and remotely), mobile assistants have been connected, a server room notification system, logistics of field engineers (and also analysis of their work, improving efficiency and efficiency, advanced training) and installation teams, redistributing the load (removing household tasks from qualified network engineers, improving the qualifications of ordinary support + an action plan in a critical situation and training maneuvers), the work schedule of employees, the base knowledge, emergency measures (from UPS to cascade and generators, geographical distribution, know-how in the server room (from the cable fixing system to the backup microclimate), the quality of staff work (floods in the room, heat, cold floor, drafts, lack of lighting, etc. ), emergency cargo pp (for nights and holidays), base of VIP clients.
Июнь 2018Февраль 2020
1 год 9 месяцев
Rostelecom Division: Teleru, Telepark

Москва, Teleru.nettelepark.net

Head of IT
Alignment of the work of departments, as well as the management of the company's project, on the work of the billing system (in the scale of the budget of the Internet provider) subordinate to 4 developers (finally, the system of crediting and making payments was debugged). Decomposition of tasks into teams. Stabilized and accelerated work 1s. Maintenance of the company's infrastructure (25 servers): AD, Exchange, 1c 7.x 8.x, plans for archiving (and servicing large amounts of data and storage systems for Roskomnadzor), Supermicro servers. Hyper-V virtualization and machine replication. Development of plans to modernize the existing infrastructure. The volume of the client base is 35,000 people Reason for separation: financial problems of the company, due to its unsuccessful resale Achievements As a leader and project manager: debugged mechanisms for crediting and making payments - before me, it was not possible to solve for 8 years accepting a problem from a customer, formulating a problem and a strategy for solving it, dividing it into steps, distributing work by specialists, coordinating work, deadlines, prices, synchronizing work, testing and revision, handing over work to the customer development of internal software of the project system (supervision of improvements, simplified algorithms of work are proposed, notification systems are introduced, reduction of steps of operations, stabilization of software operation, testing grounds have been created, options for updating the engine have been found) acceleration and stabilization of 1s work (supervision of improvements, Gilev tests, optimization of 1s work A mechanism has been found that can automatically maintain databases, create archives of the minimum size - under my leadership it was improved (stabilized, usability, visibility, additional functions) a flexible data synchronization mechanism was found (improved according to my suggestions, expanded functionality, possibilities of chain reactions)
Февраль 2018Июнь 2018
5 месяцев
Hotel Chain Ibis; Security Organization Troyan

Москва, www.accorhotels.comwww.ibis.comwww.troyan.ru

Chief IT
Building the work of IT departments and optimizing costs. Help in preparing for the 2018 World Cup in terms of IT Interaction with responsible representatives of third-party organizations in the framework of the execution of contracts that are in their area of responsibility. Cost optimization negotiations Elimination of emerging problems during the operation of software and hardware Training for work, personnel
Октябрь 2017Февраль 2018
5 месяцев


Deputy Head of IT Department
Subordinates to 8 people Implementation of ITIL, Best practice, SLA, ITSM (management of incidents, problems, configurations, changes, releases, service level, capacity (capacity), availability, continuity, finance, planning and control of work) Supermicro servers, HP Implementation and development of Service Desk systems OTRS, Confluense
Апрель 2017Октябрь 2017
7 месяцев


Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

VIP System Administrator
Maintenance of VIP clients of the company - remote maintenance and periodic departures (Mayer Group, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Pirelli, Valio, European Engineering Systems, Arabica, Heinz, Watson Marlow, Batenfeld, Cook Robotics, Communicator (organize events with the stars), Abono , NavGeoCom and others) A full range of IT services companies throughout Moscow: both remote and with a visit to the office to the client He revised the principles of the work of the departments, proposed strategic changes to restructure and change priorities (including in his own)
Ноябрь 2013Апрель 2017
3 года 6 месяцев
group of companies Zepter International \ Gipfel International (import and dilergy of kitchen utensils for franchise)


System management and administration
System Management: I headed several projects to refine and optimize the 1c Reorganization of the technical support department, development of the infrastructure and bringing the quality of services and interaction to a new level - the number of appeals is reduced to 3 per day (for more than 250 objects). Conducting negotiations with providers, dumping prices, new technical solutions, monitoring the quality of payments, systematization of document circulation and mutual settlements (payment for each object is reduced by 4 times) Integration of information technologies, system solutions and information security in business. Automation of control systems. Implementation of data collection terminals (WinCE and so on) Services of thermal label printers Experience in the field of a structurally distributed company (a large number of units, rapid decision-making, parallel task management) Strategic solutions for data concealment. System administration of the head office and more than 250 objects, support and launch of facilities throughout the country, and near abroad, assistance to European units (from Canada, Spain to Surgut) (1c 7.7, 8.2, 8.3, OpenVPN, Mikrotik, ISA server 2006, CentOS , the introduction of IP telephony Panasonic kx-tde100ru, biometrics, video surveillance, the launch of the facility with the training and communication services in a timely manner), as well as the development of instructions.
Май 2013Ноябрь 2013
7 месяцев
HTfoods ltd and Pizza Express (deliveries to McDonalds and a network in the Smolensky Passage, on New Arbat formerly Metelitsa)

Москва, www.htfoods.com/http://www.pizzaexpress.ru.com/

Service Engineer / System Administrator
I headed system projects for software development, additional services, launch of new objects. Infrastructure development from the ground up, the reception of cases from incoming specialists, the study of Rkeeper on Dos, Store House 3 and 4 versions, commercial equipment, the removal of the decadent system to the proper professional level, the reduction in the number of applications. Maintenance of restaurant and logistics software.
Ноябрь 2012Май 2013
7 месяцев
LLC "Mori Cinema" network of cinemas

Красногорск (Московская область), www.mori-cinema.ru/

System Administrator
I headed the implementation and development of UCS-Premiere and Rkeeper software on the part of the client, implementation and development of state order and statistics collection systems, installation and debugging of POS terminals, client panels, thermal printers, multi-screen matrices, IP telephony, Launch remote objects (Krasnogorsk, Moscow, Mytishchi IMAX, Cherepovets, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk), training specialists. Implementation of IP telephony Asterix Elastix, Endia FireWall, 1c 8.2
Апрель 2012Август 2012
5 месяцев
Ltd. "TK Impulse"

Красногорск (Московская область), www.impulsgroup.ru/

System Administrator
A number of proposals for remote access and port mapping of equipment have been implemented Maintenance of a distributed domain system and technical support of users throughout the country (from St. Petersburg and Krasnodar to Khabarovsk). ~ 15 domains, gradual consolidation into 1+ working groups From the routine work of support to the tasks of administering servers, users, policies, replicating data between servers, migrating users, boxes, data (learning and implementing free products that are not inferior to paid ones), archiving and dealing with errors on servers. Maintenance and configuration of Apple hardware (router, network access, shared folders, network printers, Cisco Soho, MS Exchange mail and other setup help)
Июль 2011Апрель 2012
10 месяцев
Group of Companies Ltd. "ECD"

Красногорск (Московская область), www.lenina45.ru/news-view-41.html

Head of Technical Support \ System Administrator
administration of servers based on Win2008R2, Linux CenOS (forwarding \ forwarding, squid), repair loopback telephony, Communigate Pro (with SpammAssasin on CentOS), Kerio Mail Server, Esset Storage Server, setting up DFS and quotas, ServiceDesk, homeowner, Sarwer terminals, Telerec , WinTarif, Panasonic PBX, video monitoring, administration, payment acceptance terminals, reconditioning MicroTik, tuning technology Apple, the introduction of the Federal Law «AP-152 on the protection of personal data», AirOS, WDS and mute the channel Klinetbanki: Savings, Alta, Renaissance, Taxcom. Drafting equipment orders, thin clients, Contour, VentaZVoice, 1c, CRM, nd IPK SUPER MCD subordinate to 3 employee
Июль 2010Февраль 2011
8 месяцев
OJSC "MosStroySnab"

Москва, www.mosstroisnab.com/

Leading System Administrator
Helped defend copyright on the site in submission: 2 people After the raider seizure of the territory, it was necessary to quickly understand the used services and technologies, the network, security systems and ultimately provide reliable and high-quality communication from what was left. Solving household issues of the system administrator in a short time, stressful conditions (and increased secrecy) with minimal funds - literally "on the knee." Ensuring the stable operation of resources, servers and infrastructure (3 domains ~ 250 stations) Setting up servers and equipment (hardware and software repair, modification) Error monitoring, scheduling and load management Solving technical problems, various unforeseen tasks and emerging issues Interaction with partners and supervision of contractors. Administration of accounting databases and software. Distributed access, both to corporate data and to the global network Completion of the network architecture, interaction with the engineering service Negotiations with telecom operators: a domain registrar (+ defended copyright), a provider ("optics lining"), administration of automatic telephone exchanges (routing calls, negotiations with MGTS and communication nodes)
Февраль 2008Январь 2010
2 года
MPG Holding

Москва, mpg-holding.tiu.ru/

Leading System Administrator
In submission: 2 employees Admitted to the post of system administrator, then accepted to the administration for the position of the leading system administrator. Responsible for information security: providing secure network surfing (traffic filtering, server administration (MS Windows Server 2003-2008): Active Directory, anti-spam software, email client protection, Forefront TMG 2010 and 1c 8 implementation, cross-domain VPN with synchronization, corporate mail, site maintenance, document protection (access and viewing rights, encryption), Ftp access, terminal server, Microsoft Office Communications Server 2005-2007 R2 service. Development of the LAN architecture, connections between remote point servers. Administration of the video surveillance server (security system based on telemetry) Experienced ordering of equipment, assembly, adjustment and testing of equipment.
Ноябрь 2006Февраль 2008
1 год 4 месяца
Biocad, pharmaceutical company


Медицина, фармацевтика, аптеки... Показать еще

Technical Support Specialist
Serving 3 divisions of the company (head office and 2 research centers) Park machines ~ 100 pcs The introduction of Abacus (competitor 1c) Maintenance of analogue and implementation of IP telephony solving the current tasks of the first line of support
Август 2005Январь 2006
6 месяцев
Crocus International (Crocus City Mall) and Yacht Club Shore House

Москва, crocuscitymall.ru

Technical Support Specialist
Maintenance of the park of boutiques 255 and was invited to service at Yacht Club Shore House Terminal cash registers (Win XP) and computers (~ 530 units) Solving the current problems of the first line of support


Уровни владения навыками
Продвинутый уровень
Active Directory (AD), DHCP, DNS, GPO, IIS, WSUS, WDS, Ms Exchange Server
Уровень не указан
Development of network architecture
Configuring Active Network Devices
terminal devices
Communications Server
Asterix Elastix
Forefront TMG 2010
juristic and accounting workflow СБИС, ЭЦП, РуТокен
support of Web-resources
обслуживание Linux CentOS MacOS
Administering Windows Servers
Kerio Winroute Firewall и Kerio Mail Server
Data Accounting Control System design
Mikrotik & Ubiquiti
Kerio Winroute Firewall & Kerio Mail Server
Project management
Management Skills, Project Management, ITIL, best practice, SLA, ITSM
CMS Wordpress, Joomla
Management Skills, Negotiation & Presentation, Project Management, ITIL, best practice, SLA, ITSM
Analog PBX Panasonic, Avaya, Digital VoIP and Dect-IP, Asterisk Elastix, Polycom
Работа в команде
Управление рисками
Деловая коммуникация
Ориентация на результат
Внутренний контроль

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

Leadership, system thinking, results orientation, responsibility The habit of bringing work to the end Ability to organize people, specialists in different fields and IT process Establishment of mechanisms of interaction specialist-machine-client Punctuality, increased attention, quick learning, perseverance, stress-resistance, goodwill, sociability, non-conflict, diligence, politeness. Interest in their work, curiosity, readiness to learn and develop Experience and Administration (Active Directory, Exchange, VoIP, ISA Server, Kerio, Mikrotik, Linux, MacOS, Win2000 / 2003/2008/2010, 1-С Accounting v.1.7, 1.8 + special releases, ABACUS Financial) Support for Web resources Development of network architecture, configuration of active network devices; Installation, configuration of terminal devices, data collection terminals (WinCE and others) Experience and Administration (Active Directory, Exchange, VoIP, ISA Server, Kerio, Mikrotik, Linux, MacOS, Win2000 / 2003/2008/2010, 1-С Accounting v.1.7, 1.8 + special releases, ABACUS Financial) The study and implementation of high-quality free software Support for Web resources Development of network architecture, configuration of active network devices; Installation, configuration of terminal devices ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Interest in computer systems and solving non-standard problems Working capacity, ability to think creatively, analytical mind Honest, responsible, accurate Skill to work in team; English: Upper-Intermediate; French and Spanish with a dictionary Lack of bad habits Hobby: IT Scope Engineering The study and introduction of quality free software Sport Economics and business

Высшее образование

Russian International Academy
Russian International Academy, financial management and human resource management \ management organization, a consultant on investments

Знание языков


АнглийскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

ИспанскийA1 — Начальный

ИтальянскийA1 — Начальный

КитайскийA1 — Начальный

НемецкийA1 — Начальный

ФранцузскийA1 — Начальный

ЯпонскийA1 — Начальный

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Системное администрирование и информационные технологии (144 часа)
Центр Профессионального Образования, Системное администрирование и информационные технологии
MCDST Microsoft
Академия Корпоративных Систем, Администрирование
2563 Поддержка пользователей операционной системы Microsoft Windows XP
Академия Корпоративных Систем, Администрирование
ABACUS Financial support and administration
Omega, integration, administration and maintenance of accounting software
2276 Implementing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Network Infrastructure: Network Hosts
Академия Корпоративных Систем, Администрирование
2285 Installing, Administrating, And Configuring Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Академия Корпоративных Систем, Администрирование
2564 Поддержка пользовательских приложений в операционной системе Microsoft Windows
Академия Корпоративных Систем, Администрирование

Тесты, экзамены

2285 Installing, Administrating, And Configuring Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Academy of corporate systems, Administration
2276 Implementing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003: Network Infrastructure: Network Hosts
Academy of corporate systems, Administration
2564 Support for custom applications in the Microsoft Windows operating system
Academy of corporate systems, Administration
MCDST Microsoft
Academy of corporate systems, Administration

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения